【同义词辨析】 2020-02-19 罚没penalize-mulct

penalize: usually presupposes a violation of an order, rule, or law intended to maintain discipline or ensure propriety; it also implies a penalty such as forfeiture of money, advantage, or privilege or imposition of handicap: ~ late taxpayers by adding interest to their bills.   forfeit因犯错而没收丧失to lose something because of doing something wrong,如he was ordered to forfeit more than $1.5m in profits下令没收了他 150 多万的盈利,如he forfeited his right to a trial by jury他被取消了接受庭审的权利,如that is the forfeit he must pay这是他必须付的罚金)  handicap常表示残疾生理缺陷,这里表示增加障碍负担作为惩罚,如体育比赛中让受罚的一方跑得更远、增加负重等

fine: implies a monetary penalty fixed within certain limits by law: the library ~s careless borrowers a few cents a day to encourage prompt return of books.

amerce: implies a penalty left to the discretion of the judge and may refer to a nonpecuniary penalty: the judge ~d the offender in the sum of fifty dollars.  解释中说可以是非金钱方面的惩罚nonpecuniary penalty,但没有找到这样的例子,又如the manager amerced him of a day's wage经理他一天的工资,所以认为amerce只表示罚款,来自"at your mercy" : 数量由法院法官决定

mulct: implies subjection to a superior power that can legally or illegally enforces penalties and especially monetary penalties for failure to conform to its discipline or edicts and is likely to stress the helplessness of the victim and the arbitrariness of the penalizing power: a rash of arson designed to ~ the terrorized shopkeepers. edict法令敕令an order or instruction from one in authority

penalize惩罚: 表示因违反了法律命令规则纪律礼仪,剥夺金钱利益特权,或施加障碍负担,fine罚款: 表示金钱方面的惩罚,依法律规定,amerce罚款: 也是金钱方面,但由法官裁量,mulct剥夺强取诈骗: 表示受制于肆意夺取的强权,强调无助

记忆方法: 1)首字母PFAM中FM罚没的首字母,PA想成<==罚没         ""意思是"处分惩办",即处分犯罪犯错误的人。从刀从( ,骂人),""指"刑法",表示"骂人应受处罚",罚针对小罪: "罚,罪之小者",如罚款罚球惩罚罚不当罪(处罚过严或过宽)   ""从心征声。本义是"警戒鉴戒",如惩前毖后惩戒,引申为"处罚",如恶扬善严不贷

         2)罚没的意思是剥夺某物作为惩罚mean to punish by depriving of something.